Here are some Austin imaging centers and hospitals near you: Austin Diagnostic Imaging Center Services: [Diagnostic imaging _____ services] Address: 3201 North IH-35 Frontage Rd, Austin, TX 78704 Phone: (512)929-2382 Holistic Neurology Center of Austin and Detroit Centers provide [neurologist neurology diagnostic imaging][neurological services][neuroimaging]. Hol.
ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd is near Austin. Getting to ARA by bus or car is a way to get to the center. Get to the hospital by train or by car. For more information, visit the Austin Imaging Center of Austin Road Associates (ARA) Diagnostic Imaging- Austin Center Blvd offers Radiology Services, Mammography services, MRI, CT Scan, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound, and X-ray. Austin Center Blvd is located in the 60643 zip code area of Lake View, IL. Based on one review, the average patient rating for Austin Center Blvd is 3.0 stars.
Getting to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd by Bus
ARA Diagnostic Imaging is located on the southeast corner of I-35 and Anderson Mill Road. ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd can be reached by bus routes 832, 835, and 837. Getting to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd by Bus:
ARA Diagnostic Imaging is located on the southeast corner of I-35 and Anderson Mill Road. We are near the Dell Diamond and the top of the Capital of Texas Highway. Our location is easily accessible from downtown Austin and north, south, east, and west.
Getting to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd by Car
ARA Diagnostic Imaging -Austin Center Blvd is the name of a location with medical services in Austin, Texas. Records show that the business was registered in Texas on Monday, February 15, 2009. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 50000-60000 and employs a staff of approximately 1 to 4. Specialty areas of this company include radiology services.
The thing you should keep on your Mind
- What is the difference between CT and MRI?
- How long does a CT scan take?
- What are the benefits of an MRI?
- What are the risks of an MRI?
- How long does an MRI take?
- Is it safe to fly after having an MRI?
- What is the difference between an X-ray and an MRI?
Find the nearest buses to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd in Austin.
Find the nearest buses to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd in Austin by dialing 311 or visiting Ara Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd is located on the map below with other hospitals in Austin. You can scroll down the map below or switch to Map View to see all hospitals in Austin. If you need to find a hospital near this address, you can use the following form: local hospitals in Austin, TX.
Find the nearest trains to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd in Austin.
ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd provides MRI, CT, ultrasounds, and PET scans. Traveling to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd for various medical tests, including MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds, and PET scans, would be necessary. Visit the Center for Women’s Health at North Austin Diagnostic Imaging-N. Lamar Blvd center for various medical tests, including MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds, and PET scans. Visit the South Austin Diagnostic Imaging-Ben White Blvd center for medical tests, including MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds, and PET scans.
To plan their trip, a person may want to know the nearest trains to ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd in Austin. ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd is at 815 W Ben White Blvd, Austin. The nearest train station to this location is MoPac – Red Line, only .2 miles away.
Map of ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd in Austin
The diagnostic imaging facility is located on the southbound side of the intersection at 10100 North IH-35, formerly U.S. Route 183 and North Loop 1. The Austin Center has operated since 1972 and provides a full range of services for patients of all ages and all walks of life. The doctors and staff members specialize in treating orthopedic injuries, joint replacements, and pediatric issues.
ARA has locations in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, and Houston. The Austin center is located at 8200 North IH-35, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78753, a five-minute drive from the Austin -Bergstrom International Airport. ARA has locations in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, and Houston. The Austin, TX location’s location’sdress is:
- RADIUS Business Services
- PO Box 99505
- Austin, TX 78766-9505
ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd in Austin Reviews
ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd in Austin Reviews
ARA Diagnostic Imaging-Austin Center Blvd is the best diagnostic imaging center in Austin. They provide various services, including diagnostic radiography, ultrasound, MRI, X-ray, and CT scans. They also offer support for patients with chronic diseases. The hospital is running a recruitment drive to find new staff.
‘Frustratin’ time’
Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said the move would make “a real difference” to servic in north Wales. Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board said it was “committed “to delivering high-quality services for the people of Swansea and surrounding areas”.
The health board said a transition period would allow all staff to move to the new trust. Mr. Gething has insisted that local patients get more care in their communities, closer to home.
Ara Diagnostic Imaging was one of Iowa’s first diagnostic imaging providers to offer MRIs, CT scans, x-rays, digital mammography, digital dental, ultrasound, & colonoscopy.